LEEP Trial Homes for Renovation
2023 - Present
The LEEP Trial Homes for Renovation Program facilitates innovative and deep energy residential retrofits in British Columbia. Deep energy retrofits go beyond a single system upgrade (like the HVAC system or windows) and incorporate whole home solutions that result in reduced energy consumption, peak power use, and greenhouse gas emissions.
Participants gain access to design supports and Energy Concierge services to facilitate and implement deep energy retrofit field trial projects. The program will support 20 projects throughout the design and construction phases of the retrofit.
Trial homes will be chosen from projects that explore whole home solutions using an integrated design approach to optimize building envelope, mechanical and electrical system solutions.
To participate, submit a Registration below. We do require the registration to be completed by the homeowner and recommend it be completed with the assistance of the lead renovator. If you need support, please email leeptrialhomes@citygreen.ca.
We will follow up with interested parties to collect additional information and facilitate finalization of registration.
Participants will be committed to:
- reducing energy consumption by 50% or more
- switching to high efficiency electrical heating systems
- reducing GHG emissions by 80% or more
- assessing the need and feasibility of supplemental heating
- receiving an EnerGuide Home Evaluation
- completing LEEP training (available in-person and virtually)
Status: Currently accepting Registrations.
- Projects are not registered until they receive a confirmation email indicating they have been accepted into the program.
- Spots are limited, so submit your Registration as soon as possible!
Available Design Supports
- Integrated Design - $1,000
- Mechanical Design - $4,000
- Electrical Design - $2,000